Friday, January 25, 2019

Winter Blues...

This will be a nice short post.  Like most "Normal people", the winter is my least favorite time of year.  I find it hard to get out and shoot.  Looking back, I realize I haven't posted anything since December 30, 2018.  My apologies, I have done a little bit of shooting, just not a lot.  Here are a few...

 At first glance, it may seem as if I have an infatuation of the moon.  In a lot of ways I guess I do.  Earlier in the month there was a Lunar Eclipse, or the Super Blood Wolf Moon.  The one above and next couple are from that cold night, taken just outside my front door.

 I find the next one so intriguing and thought provoking.  What do you think?
 A couple of nights later, on an overcast night the moon was near full, I love seeing the moon surrounded by clouds!

I told you it would be a short post.  Like I said, the winter blues..  
As always, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED on my photos.  
If you are interested, all can be purchased.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have comments, suggestions or would like me to photograph something for you.  Thanks again for looking.  To reach me, through email, or phone at 847.636.9130.

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