Thursday, July 19, 2018


Never, ever shoot with a poor tripod.  During the 2017 Eclipse, I was fortunate to go down to Makanda, IL. With my friend and fellow photographer Robert Cairns.  Robbie, his brother Jimmy and daughter Mason stayed at a Laura Chamness, a friend of mines home, seven miles south of Carbondale, IL.  Robbie is a Nikon guy, while I shoot with my trusted Canon 60D.  During the minutes/hours leading up to the time of totality, my tripod failed, and fell over twice with my lens on it.  To say I was frustrated would be an understatement.  During this time Robbie was an enormous help, probably too much, because I got the shot and he did not!  Here are a few of my shots from that day.  From start to finish...I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them!

 This is just the blown up version of the Diamond Ring from above.

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