Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vacation, Disney style

My parents recently celebrated their 50 years together by taking all of their kids and Grand kids to Disney World and then on a Disney Cruise. I say a bad day at Disney is better than a great day at work, and we got to experience it first hand! All week the weathermen had been predicting rain, and all week it held out, until Thursday. We were caught in a torrential rainstorm. Since there were 15 of us on the trip, we were not all together at the time. I was with my sister Sheila and her family my Dad had already started back toward the castle at Magic Kingdom to meet up with my Mom and my sister Beth plus Beth's daughters (Grace & Callan)as well as Marilou (My wife) and Lily (My daughter) who were having lunch with the Princess's.

The sky's literally opened up and it started to pour. I waited a good 25 minutes huddled under cover with my sister and her family before I decided I had to go to meet my wife and daughter. So I walked (And sometimes ran), with it pouring, towards the Castle.

By the time I got there I was pretty much soaked to the bone. We waited probably another 20 minutes before we decided that, if the rain were to stop, the rides would take another 45 minutes to re-open; so at that point we decided to leave. Marilou and I had been smart about things and had brought rain ponchos for the three of us, of course my mom got one as did Lily and Beth who was carrying Callan. By the time we reached the bus to go back to the hotel, we were all soaked.

Like I said though, a bad day at Disney is far better than a Great day at work!

Back tracking some to the first day we arrived at the hotel at Disney, they knew we were there to celebrate my parents anniversary, and they gave Lily a button which said"I'm celebrating". So after we had unpacked a little bit, we went down and we got a very special ride to the Magic Kingdom, we did not ask for it, but we got it anyway...

After going to Disney for three days we were blessed further, thanks Mom & Dad, with a four day Disney Cruise. We went to Nassau, Bahamas, and to the Disney owned Island of Castaway Cay(Pronounced Key).

In the Bahamas Lily got her hair braided...

On the ship and at Castaway Cay there was always a plethora of things for me to hone my photographic skills on.

I think that my favorite photo of the whole trip is the one of Lily in the window...

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